One tear in the dropping rain
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the Maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breaking heart?
These lyrics come from the song "Hold My Heart" by Tenth Avenue North. Honestly, these four simple lines can seem quite dismal and depressing. They don't need to be. Simple and stark, they seem to be exactly as they appear. However, these lyrics leave a question lingering in the air.
One tear in the dropping rain
A tear in rain seems just like another droplet of water, so unnoticed, so inconsequential...
One voice in a sea of pain
When the waves crash, it is deafening. When a human speaks, it is barely audible. In the ocean roar, a single voice can seem so lost, so unimportant...
Could the Maker of the stars
This God, the Creator of everything...
Hear the sound of my breaking heart?
To some, it's just another crack in a million. To others, it's THEIR heart that's ripped to shreds.
The answer to this question is simple, stark, and true. It is love, unyielding and unbending. The Maker of the stars, MY God, the Creator of everything, does care about the sound of my breaking heart. He cares about the sound of YOUR breaking heart. Every tear in the dropping rain, every voice in the sea of pain is noticed by him. They are seen; they are heard; and they are remedied through His love.
wow, Kaitlyn! That is incredibly deep, and even though it's easy to say that God loves and cares for us, it's another thing to grasp that completely and truly know that He hears our cry! Thanks so much for posting this! It really encouraged me this morning! Keep writing!! :D