Thursday, November 22, 2012


The sun is darkened by the moon, an eclipse.  It is hidden away; something else temporarily takes precedence.  But it doesn't stay that way.  When the moon covers the sun, the sun still will shine.  The sun will eventually emerge and take it's place.

But there are other things which are eclipsed.  There are other things which do not take their rightful place.  It is not because they do not seize the moment; they are not held rightly.

Today is a day which many Americans look forward to with watering mouths, Thanksgiving.  Honestly, for the longest time, my first thoughts were pumpkin pies or dudes in dinky hats (the pilgrims).  From looking at the department stores and social media sites, it's only a springboard to the Christmas season.  It it eclipsed by other things which our culture has shoved in front.

At this time tomorrow, perhaps you, or most likely someone you know, will be making a mad dash into a store.  For what?  For what they want.  For what they desire.  For what they don't already have.  The day after's all about you again.  The clock strikes twelve, and the thankfulness takes a back seat.  But why?  Why is our culture so driven by the me?  Why do we let that eclipse thankfulness?

In much less than twenty-four hours, a turkey shall likely be rolling out of the oven.  In fact, I can see my family's turkey sitting in brine from my perch.  This bird shall sit at the centerpiece of many tables, which will be packed full of delectable delicacies ranging from pecan and pumpkin pies to the classics of mashed potatoes and creamed corn.  America's leap into food coma...this is what I would daresay Thanksgiving is truly to the average American.  Our supposed "thankfulness" is not hinged on what we are thankful for.  It is a faux thankfulness for tantalizing our tastebuds.  It's for something that will pass away once it enters and exits our body.

Within a week, all will be forgotten.  We will be caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.  Teenagers like me will be shoved back to our schoolwork, dreaming about the next break.  We'll write our Christmas lists, talk about more food, and ultimately forget about that one day...about Thanksgiving.  Everything else will have eclipsed it.

Today is supposed to be about thankfulness.  But we make it all about the food.  Today is supposed to be about thankfulness, but we dump that as soon as it's time for the rush of Black Friday.  And we don't remember it once it's the "season of getting".  Why?  Why can't we be happy for what we have?  Why do we hold our "thankfulness" for an exact twenty-four hour stint?  Why not longer?  Why not all year?

This eclipse occurs because we let it.  Because we make it occur.  We aren't fulfilled with what we have.  We are always grasping for more.  Thus, it is nigh impossible to properly view Thanksgiving.

Again though, it doesn't have to happen.  This eclipsing is a choice.  So when you tuck into your turkey and pie, ask yourself this question.  Shall this eclipse?  When you line up to go shop in the dead of night, ask yourself.  Shall this eclipse?  When Christmas music and the "season of getting" assaults you in full swing, ask yourself this question once more.  Shall this eclipse?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kaitlyn! I love how you can articulate so much! This is SO true. That's one reason why I've been trying to weekly make a list of things that I'm thankful for and put them on my blog, to help me continue to be thankful all year-round. We all tend to forget Thanksgiving so's been really depressing to me to see how the stores and online have been skipping right over it. =(
